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How To Make The Visit To The Vet Less Stressful For Your Cat

Do you often find yourself fearing the annual trip to the vet with your beloved Bengal cat?

Cats are wired for survival instincts known as fight or flight, they are solitary creatures who prioritize staying safe, finding food, and staying alive. Therefore, cats tend to perceive anything new as a potential threat to their well-being.

This instinct kicks in during visits to the vet, where they may react with panic or aggression due to the unfamiliar environment and new interaction with new people. Even one stressful experience can have a lasting effect, making future vet visits scary. That’s why, it’s very important to ensure the first vet visit is positive, using rewards to help them feel more relaxed.

Picture this: You’re preparing for your Bengal cat’s routine check-up, but as soon as you bring out the carrier, they vanish like a magician’s trick. It’s a scenario many of us can relate to. However, there are ways to ease this stress and ensure a smoother experience for you and your cat.

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  1. Find and Understand the Source of Stress: Before searching for solutions, it’s important to understand why Bengal cats often find vet visits stressful. These amazing animals are known for their high energy levels, intelligence, and strong-willed nature. The unfamiliar environment of the veterinary clinic can trigger anxiety and fear responses in them.
  2. Familiarization: One effective strategy to reduce stress is to introduce the carrier and car rides gradually. Start by leaving the carrier out in your home environment, allowing your Bengal cat to explore it at their own pace. Incorporate positive associations by placing treats or toys inside the carrier. Take short car trips with your cat, gradually increasing the duration so it will become a normal routine.
  3. Pick the Right Carrier: Choose a comfortable and safe carrier. Ensure it is spacious enough for your Bengal cat to stand, turn around, and lie down comfortably. Additionally, choose a carrier with multiple openings to make it easier to take your cat out of the carrier. Line the carrier with familiar bedding or clothing that has your scent, offering a sense of security to your cat.
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We need to talk about the wrong ideas people have about taking Bengal cats to the vet, so it’s easier to decide what to do.

Myth: Sedation is the only solution for anxious cats. Reality: Some people think sedation is the only answer for nervous cats, but that’s not true. We can often help them feel better by changing their environment or behaviour without using medicine immediately.

Myth: Bengal cats are inherently difficult to handle at the vet.
Reality: With patience, positive reinforcement, and proper training, Bengal cats can learn to tolerate and even, enjoy vet visits.


Carrier Training: Start carrier training by introducing the carrier in a familiar room while leaving the carrier door open. Gradually introduce them to it with bedding and treats. Close the carrier for short periods every two months and reward your cat. Leave them in the carrier while you move around to increase comfort. Take your cat on short trips once they’re comfortable. Offer treats and a cosy bed without pressure if needed.

Regular Handling and Positive Reinforcement: Encourage your Bengal cat to socialise with people in your house and visitors and encourage them to be touched and examined. Pair these interactions with treats or praise to reinforce positive associations.

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Pheromone Therapy: Consider using synthetic pheromone products to create a calming environment for your Bengal cat. These products imitate natural feline pheromones, promoting feelings of security and relaxation. However, be alert and observe if your cat doesn’t react negatively to the pheromone products as they don’t always work for everyone.

Pre-Vet Visit Preparations: On the vet visit day, minimize stress by ensuring your Bengal cat has access to their favourite hiding spots and comforts, such as blankets or toys. Avoid feeding them immediately before the appointment to prevent motion sickness during the car ride.

Cover the Carrier During Car Journeys: Make your Bengal cat more comfortable by covering their carrier with a breathable cloth. This calms them by reducing what they see and makes them feel safer. Also, keep an eye on how they’re feeling and make sure there’s enough air.

While vet visits may always pose a challenge for Bengal cat owners, they need not be a source of overwhelming stress for our lovely cats. Understanding the root causes of anxiety, implementing gradual desensitization techniques, and using appropriate techniques can create a more positive and manageable experience for both cats and their caregivers.


  • American Association of Feline Practitioners. (n.d.). Creating a Cat-Friendly Practice. Retrieved from
  • Landsberg, G., Hunthausen, W., & Ackerman, L. (2013). Handbook of Behavior Problems of the Dog and Cat. Elsevier Health Sciences.
  • Overall, K. (2013). Manual of Clinical Behavioral Medicine for Dogs and Cats. Elsevier Health Sciences.
  • American Veterinary Medical Association. (n.d.). Cat Carrier Training Tips.
  • Sueda, K. L., et al. (2008). Evaluation of the Effect of a New Pheromone Product vs. Placebo for Management of Feline Aggression in Multi-cat Households. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 10(2), 167–172.